Attila Gábris

I was born in Budapest, 1971. I'm married, I have two children.

Since I graduated in 1995, I mainly work in trade ornamental plants.

I started to learn to code in 2016.

I started with HTML, CSS, JavaScript and jQuery.

Last year I completed a Java SE and MySQL summer course.

Next station was PHP and CodeIgniter framework.

I am the singer and rhythm guitarist of the world's first and best neoclassical populohybrid band. The greatest hits of The Greenblade Band like Sörsátor, Löszfal, and Pincepörkölt will be available on this site soon.

My first project in 2016 was a responsive site, made with Bootstrap 3.

I used jQuery for the next version of the site in 2017.

The actual site was made with Bootstrap 4 and jQuery.

I write single page applications with jQuery AJAX calls and PHP-MySql backend.

I will continue the Millionaire and the Custos projects with PHP-MySql/jQuery-AJAX web apps.